Ep # 16: How to Uncomplicate Your Marketing
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This is the 16th episode of A Big Digital Hug. A Marketing Podcast for the modern entrepreneur who wants to take their business to the next level, for years, not just months to come.
Today I discuss, How to Uncomplicate Your Marketing to Gain More Time and Better Results.
I recently asked a group of entrepreneurs what they wanted to hear on my podcast and one of the most common answers was how complicated it all can be. I heard things like, there’s too many programs to learn, I don’t have the skills to keep up with it all, or there is so much, that I don’t even know where to start.
I hear you! I get confused myself some days.
What all this boils down to is Complication, which leads to confusion and overwhelm, procrastination, spreading yourself and your efforts too thin, and doing things because some so-called experts say so.
These are the steps I discuss in today’s episode to uncomplicate your marketing:
- Analyze what has worked in the past. Find where your business comes from and do more of that.
- Stop listening to all the so-called experts. No one knows your business like you do. Stop letting all the voices in.
- Divest your portfolio. Focus on one main tactic to drive traffic and complement it with others.
- Shift your priorities.
- Schedule time blocks.
- Make lists daily/weekly.
- Work in phases and set goals.
- Get help.
If you need help with your marketing, I’d love to coach you. You can find out more here.
Thanks for listening. I love that you’re here!
Be sure to check out our blog, by the same name, A Big Digital Hug while you’re here!
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