Ep # 11 – Your Brand and Others Perception of It (Branding Series)
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Welcome to the 11th episode of A Big Digital Hug. A Marketing Podcast for the modern entrepreneur who wants to take their business to that next level, for years, not just months to come. If you’d like a free consultation with us, we’d like to hear from you. You can find the scheduling link here.
On the podcast today, I talk all about Branding and how it affects people’s perception of your company.
Your brand is the face of your company. It dictates the public’s perception of it.
A brand can be applied to a business or a person.
Wikipedia defines a brand as a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
What makes a great brand great?
- Consistency
- Inspires Trust and Loyal (brand loyalty)
- It inspires confidence in its customers
- It aligns with a company’s and its client’s values
- The value it offers
- It’s uniqueness
- How memorable it is
- How it is talked about
- Level of social responsibility
- Its cool factor
There are many practices for brand building. Depending on your industry, business type, and clientele the process and time you will invest in your brand will be different.
A great place to start when branding or rebranding your company is to look to your buyer persona. A buyer persona is a semi-fictional detailed description of your ideal customer, also known as your buyer avatar. You can learn more about buyer personas in my last podcast.
One strategy that is used by many professionals is Brand Archetypes. Brand archetypes are used by the companies looking to define their customer audiences.
Read more about this and the twelve brand archetypes at https://brandsbyovo.com/expertise/brand-archetypes/
As a small business owner, you should take your brand seriously if you want others to take your company seriously.
Start with the basics:
- A great name
- An insightful tagline
- A recognizable logo or symbol
- A Design direction that evokes emotion (typography, colors, imagery)
- And your brand voice. The tone of your communication.
In the next episode in this series, we will discuss, Documenting your Brand with Brand Standards.
If you need help achieving this goal or any goal, I’d love to coach you. You can find out more here. Thanks for listening. I love that you’re here!
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