Ep # 13: How to Stand Out Against your Competitors

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Hello! I love that you’re here, thanks for joining me. Welcome to the 13th episode of A Big Digital Hug. A Marketing Podcast for the modern entrepreneur who wants to take their business to that next level, for years, not just months to come. If you’d like a free consultation with us, we’d like to hear from you. You can find the scheduling link here.


On the podcast today, I discuss Standing Out Against Your Competitors, especially in these trying times of COVID-19.

Many businesses have struggled or even closed their doors during the past year because of the pandemic so it is more important than ever to go out of our way and get out of our comfort zones to be sure our business survives. There is no one silver bullet but I am confident that if you employ these 15 tactics, you will have a better shot of thriving into 2021 than your competition.

Here are the 15 tactics or tips I discuss in this episode to help your business stand out against your competitors:

  1. Define your USP (Unique Selling Point or Proposition)
  2. Make your customers feel safe
  3. Be sure your branding is on-point and consistent
  4. Go above and beyond in your service (your customer experience)
  5. Offer value using inbound marketing tactics (teach them something!)
  6. Leave something memorable behind (a thank you card or treat)
  7. Show up on social media
  8. Personalize your marketing and do something different (analyze your market, what are your competitors not doing?)
  9. Extend your service offering to offer convenience over your competitors
  10. Follow-up (ask how their service, also send service reminders)
  11. Ask for testimonials/reviews/referrals
  12. Check-in on regular clients. Personally call them and ask if they enjoy your service and how you can do better
  13. Offer regular clients bonuses or rewards for being a client, not new clients!
  14. Start a referral program
  15. Say Thank you. Super simple but often forgotten.

If you need help with your marketing, I’d love to coach you. You can find out more here.

Thanks for listening. I love that you’re here!


Be sure to check out our blog, by the same name, A Big Digital Hug while you’re here!

We love feedback; good, bad, and weird.
Whatever tickles your fancy! Let me have it!

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Post by Karen Coons

Karen is the founder and CEO of Digital Hugs Marketing. With 15 years of experience in marketing and media, Karen has seen it all when it comes to sketchy tactics and marketing fails. She helps her clients to avoid these mistakes for long term results. Karen fully embraces an authentic, inbound approach to driving leads and creating a community of faithful consumers.

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